How can I get personalized reading recommendations from the library catalog?


One of our favorite features of the new library catalog is that by rating books you've read or movies you've watched, you can get personalized recommendations. Once logged into your library account, you are given the option of rating items in the catalog between one and five stars. If you rate an item three stars or more, it will be used to develop future recommendations for you, which can be seen under "Account," then "Recommended for You." Yellow stars are the average rating for the entire AACPL community, and orange stars show your own rating.

If you give an item a star rating, you will also be asked if you want to submit a review. This review can help other library members decide which books to read, but it's entirely optional. If you know you only want to rate items, but not write reviews, select the "Don't ask me this anymore" checkbox. Even after checking this box, you can still leave a review if you want to by clicking the "Add a Review" button below any item in our catalog. 


  • Last Updated May 02, 2024
  • Views 190
  • Answered By Stephanie L. Petruso

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  1. The rating and recommendation features sounds like a great addition to your site! Thanks AACPL.
    by Sue V on Aug 17, 2017