Where can I find genealogy information?


If you are looking for genealogy and local history information related to Anne Arundel County and Maryland, we recommend starting with our Genealogy page. On this page, you can search newspapers like the Annapolis Capital, the Baltimore Sun and more for obituary and other news. You can also find a list of upcoming genealogy classes at the Library. 

The Local History Collection includes material about Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, and Maryland. It is available Maryland Room of the Busch Annapolis Library. The primary aim of this collection is general community interest, not specialized research. In order to provide access to these resources for all members of our community and to promote the study of local history, items in this collection may be checked out and customers may place holds on these items to pick up at any branch of the Anne Arundel County Public Library.

You can also access Ancestry Library Edition database from any computer in the library. HeritageQuest database and Fold3 are available from home or within any of the branches of the library. Other sources of information include the Maryland State Law Library and the Maryland Archives in Annapolis; the Kuethe Library of the Anne Arundel County Historical Society in Glen Burnie, and the Maryland Center for History and Culture in Baltimore which has collections online and in their building related to the history of Maryland.

The Maryland Archives does have vital records but the online access is just to the indices through the Maryland State Archives Vital Records Indexing Project. Provided are county death record indices from 1898-1944, and Baltimore City death record indices 1875-1970. It costs $25 to order an actual record from the Maryland Archives. Vital records are also available for a fee from any state online via a site provided by the Centers for Disease Control

  • Last Updated Apr 18, 2024
  • Views 367
  • Answered By Stephanie L. Petruso

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